Innovation Network supports clients and partners in defining their goals, developing theories of change, and planning for evaluations.
Developing a theory of change is the vital first step to defining these goals and to developing an evaluation plan that will measure success throughout the life of the program. Innovation Network is a leader in theory of change and evaluation, and supports organizations to develop these pivotal documents in the course of our consulting engagements or as stand-alone projects.
Through public policy, litigation, public education, and the development of grassroots organizations, Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) works to protect civil and human rights. Innovation Network worked with AAJC to develop theories of change for each of their six program areas, and to build their capacity around evaluation planning. The trainings and technical assistance provided by Innovation Network helped AAJC to visualize their goals and put systems in place to measure their impact.
Innovation Network conducted a half-day workshop for the Land Trust Accreditation Commission Board of Directors to provide an overview of evaluation and theory of change, and to provide space for brainstorming and collaborative discussions to help frame a theory of change for the organization. The purpose of this work was not to complete the theory of change, but instead to help guide and provide space for the initial dialogue needed to ensure a collaborative and well thought out process.